Association Française des Assistants Réalisateurs de fiction

AFAR will attend FOCUS event on 14-15 december within the Film France delegation

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26 novembre 2015 | par AFAR

As part of a special partnership between our two associations, AFAR will attend London’s FOCUSevent on 14-15 December within the Film France delegation.

AFAR has been an associate member of Film France [1] for many years and maintains a strong, friendly and rewarding relationship with it.

As part of a special partnership, Film France offers the opportunity to AFAR to be part of the Film France delegation who will attend FOCUS - The Location Production Event on 14 and 15 December in London.

You can find a presentation of AFAR in the Partners section of the brochure published by Film France for the event and in the Exhibitors section of the FOCUS website.

During the event, find David FERRIER and Ali CHERKAOUI on the stand of Film France (stand 38).

See online :


[1Film France, a state-funding agency (supported by the CNC) in charge of promoting France, is the first stop for foreign production companies and individuals preparing to film in France. A network of 41 local film commissions throughout the country offers free information on locations, crews, labour rates and facilities.

Film France provides assistance with contacting appropriate agencies regarding immigration/work permits and filming permits, as well as information regarding labour rates, studio facilities, post-production facilities and suppliers. Nowhere else in Europe will you find such a large diversity of locations combined with a highly skilled workforce.

Film France also provides information about coproduction opportunities in France and assists foreign producer who want to apply for the TRIP (Tax Rebate for International Production).

Commission Nationale du Film France
9, rue du Chateau d’eau, 75010 Paris France
Tel : +33 (0)1 53 83 98 98 | Email :



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