Association Française des Assistants Réalisateurs de fiction

AFAR charter

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15 juillet 2009 | par AFAR


1 - Trade Protection

AFAR membership vows to do all they can to ensure the promotion, respect and defense of the position of Assistant Director.

2 - “AFAR” Quality Label Protection

Members shall commit to the AFAR quality label as well as they will promote this very label, during the daily performance of their on set, and, off set duties.

They will promote the existence of this label with their employers and the members of the cast and crew.

Finally members will apply for the AFAR mention to be affixed alongside their names on the credits.

3 - Union Minimum Wages

No member shall accept to work under any circumstances for a production that would not meet the industry collective agreement, or would offer work conditions that are infringing on labor regulations.

Such illegal contracts should be refused by the membership, so should they be reported to the AFAR.

In any case, should a contract offer wages that do not meet the so-called union agreed minimum wages, (such wages are determined by the collective agreements and revised every semester), if such contract is offered, members will turn down this contract.

Weekly salary, overtime work, night hours, holydays, Saturdays and Sundays, and days off shall be taken into account when negotiating the aforementioned.
However, AFAR members are allowed to propose an amendment to the hiring contract that will transfer into participation assets any financial short fall. (Payable once the first euro benefit is made by the producer)

Moreover, there will be a provision that will allow each member to work on a production that doesn’t necessarily meet all of the requirements due to a lack of financing, providing this will be once in a year time.

4 - Work Conditions

AFAR members will commit to the full enforcement of labor regulations while in (pre)-production, in order to ensure professionalism and quality of work.

Besides financial aspects and legal considerations, the First Assistant Director will manage to :
- 1) Obtain what they deem necessary when it comes to pre-production timeframe.
- 2) Promoting the staffing of the AD’S department as follows
1st assistant Director – 2nd Assistant Director – 3rd Assistant Director (and/or a trainee whenever possible)
Too often is this AD team configuration questioned for financial reasons.

The above demands are made to
- Guarantee to each member of the AD team a fair and sensible share of duties to perform, and therefore offer the Director comfort of work.
- Keep a reasonable amount of daily and weekly worked hours.
- Guarantee to offer quality training to new Assistant Directors

Finally no AFAR member is to ignore the film industry collective agreements ; therefore members will abide by these agreements to the best of their possibilities.

5 - Loyalty

Members will show loyalty and solidarity towards the association and its members

Solidarity, so that if a member turns down an offer for contractual reasons, i.e., non respect of the previously enumerated clauses of the charter, no other member of the AFAR will accept the offer under the reported conditions.

Loyalty, in terms of keeping the AFAR posted about projects that are offered to you, should you accept them or not.
a) if you do accept the project we can update your availabilities.
b) if you don’t we can let other members know about it.

Finally each member pledges to abide by the above clauses of this very charter,
And therefore uphold the standards of pride and sense of belonging, be it towards their profession or their organization.

PDF - 106 ko
AFAR charter (english)


Profils mis à jour

Frédéric GERARD

1er assistant réalisateur

Justine BOSCO

2e assistante réalisateur


2e assistant réalisateur


3e assistante réalisateur


1er assistant réalisateur

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