Association of
Assistant Directors

Safety Bulletins

18 April 2008 • Mis à jour le 2 December 2017 | by AFAR

Les Safety Bulletins officiels américains sont des recommandations de sécurité par situation (armes à feu, hélicoptère, pyrotechniques, enfants...etc...).

Recommended by Industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee for the Motion Picture and Television Industry.

Safety Bulletins are researched, written, and distributed by the Industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee for use by the motion picture and television industry. The Industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee is composed of guild, union, and management representatives active in industry safety and health programs.

Safety Bulletins are guidelines recommended by the Safety Committee. They are not binding laws or regulations. State, federal, and/or local regulations, where applicable, override these guidelines. Modifications in these guidelines should be made, as circumstances warrant, to ensure the safety of the cast and crew.

The Committee and the Safety Bulletins are representative of the commitment of both Labor and Management to safe practices in the motion picture and television industry. The members of the Committee and all those who contributed to its work have devoted a great deal of time and effort to these guidelines because of the importance of safety to our industry.

All Industry personnel have legal and moral responsibility for safety on the set or wherever they may be working. The Safety Bulletins may be reproduced and attached to Call Sheets or otherwise distributed to affected employees.

Safety Bulletins are written or revised to meet new standards or situations. Your questions or suggestions are invited. Please contact:

AMPTP Industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee
2800 Winona Avenue
Burbank, California 91504

Liste des Safety Bulletins au 2/12/2017 :

1. Recommendations for Safety with Firearms And Use of “Blank Ammunition” Revised 04/16/03
2. Special Use of “Live Ammunition” Issued 04/16/03
3. Guidelines Regarding the Use of Helicopters in Motion Picture Productions Issued 08/15/01
3A. Addendum “A” External Loads – Helicopter Issued 08/15/01
4. Stunts Revised 01/26/05
5. Safety Awareness Issued 06/19/02
6. Animal Handling Rules for the Motion Picture Industry Revised 01/21/98
7. Recommendations For Diving Operations Revised 08/29/07
8. Guidelines for Traditional Camera Cars Revised 07/19/06
8A. Addendum “A” - Process Trailer/Towed Vehicle Revised 08/28/12
8B. Addendum “B” - Camera Boom Vehicles Revised 08/28/12
8C. Addendum “C” - Power Line Distance Requirements Revised 08/28/12
9. Safety Guidelines for Multiple Dressing Room Units Revised 10/03/95
10. Guidelines Regarding the Use of Artificially Created Smokes, Fogs and Lighting Effects Revised 10/20/99
11. Guidelines Regarding the Use of Fixed-Wing Aircraft in Motion Picture Productions Issued 08/15/01
11A. Addendum “A” - External Load Guidelines Issued 08/15/01
12. Guidelines for the Use of Exotic Venomous Reptiles Revised 09/19/95
13. Gasoline Operated Equipment Revised 10/04/95
14. Parachuting and Skydiving Revised 01/06/06
15. Guidelines for Boating/Watercraft Safety for Film Crews Revised 08/20/13
16. Recommended Guidelines for Safety with Pyrotechnic Special Effects Revised 05/22/09
17. Water Hazards Revised 08/20/13
18. Guidelines for Safe Use of Stunt Air Bags, Boxes or Other Freefall Catch Systems Revised 04/17/13
19. Recommended Guidelines for the Use of Open Flame on Production Revised 09/18/09
20. Guidelines for Use of Motorcycles Revised 02/23/96
21. Guidelines for Appropriate Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment Revised 06/05/09
22. Guidelines for the Use of Scissor Lifts (Elevating Work Platforms) and Aerial Boom Lifts (Extensible Boom Platforms) Revised 09/05/17
22A. Addendum “A” - Power Line Distance Requirements Revised 07/15/11
23. Guidelines for Working with Portable Power Distribution Systems and Other Electrical Equipment Revised 08/20/13
23A. Addendum “A” - Power Line Distance Requirements Revised 07/15/11
23B. Addendum “B” - Basic Electrical Safety Precautions for Motion Picture and Television Off Studio Lot Location Productions Issued 08/01/00
23C. Addendum “C” – Working With 480 Volt Systems Revised 08/20/13
23D. Addendum “D” – Common Motion-Picture/Television Tasks and Associated Personal Protective Equipment Revised 10/10/11
23E. Addendum “E” – Guidelines for Meeting National Electrical Code (NEC) Grounding Requirements for Portable Generators Supplying Portable Equipment in the Motion Picture and Television Industry Issued 04/04/13
24. California OSHA Safety Requirements for Handling of Blood and Other Potentially Infectious Materials Revised 03/23/00
25. Camera Cranes Issued 12/16/98
25A. Addendum “A” - Power Line Distance Requirements Revised 07/15/11
26. Preparing Urban Exterior Locations for Filming Issued 09/20/00
27. Poisonous Plants Issued 02/21/01
28. Guidelines for Railroad Safety Revised 04/17/13
29. Guidelines for Safe Use of Hot Air Balloons Issued 08/15/01
29A. Addendum “A” - External Load Guidelines for Safe Use of Hot Air Balloons Issued 08/15/01
30. Recommended Guidelines for Safely Working with Edged, Piercing, and Projectile Props Revised 07/18/17
31. Safety Awareness When Working Around Indigenous “Critters” Issued 11/06/01
32. Food Handling Guidelines for Production Under Review
32A. Addendum “A” - Los Angeles County Approved Film Production Food Services Revised 09/01/13
33. Special Safety Considerations when Employing Infant Actors (15 days to Six Months Old) Revised 01/22/97
34. Guidelines for Working in Extreme Cold Temperature Conditions Revised 01/05/16
34A Addendum “A” Wind Chill Chart
35. Safety Considerations for the Prevention of Heat Illness Revised 10/17/07
36. Recommended Guidelines for Safely Working Around Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Revised 11/01/17
36A. Addendum “A” - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Exemption Summary - REMOVED (see #36 above) Removed 11/01/17
37. Vehicle Restraint Systems - Seat Belts & Harnesses Revised 12/09/02
38. Guidelines for Inclement or Severe Weather Revised 07/27/09
39. Safety Guidelines for Using Foam(ed) Plastics in Set and Prop Construction Issued 01/18/06
40. Guidelines for Non-Camera Utility Vehicles Issued 10/17/07
41. Recommended Guidelines for Safely Working On and Around Gimbals Issued 08/07/12
42. Guidelines for Alternative Driving Systems Issued 06/16/15

View online : Contenu à jour de tous les Safety Bulletins



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